• Sales Services

    Need help to increase your sales? I can help with:

    Lead Generation: Generate quality leads to fuel your sales pipeline.

    Presentations/Meetings: Deliver compelling presentations and engage in productive meetings with potential clients.

    Proposals/Quote Development: Craft persuasive proposals and quotes tailored to your target audience.

    Sales Plans: Develop customised sales plans to maximize your revenue potential.

    Sales Campaigns: Execute targeted sales campaigns to drive conversions.

  • Marketing Services

    Need to raise your profile but don’t know where to start? I can help with:

    Marketing/Sales Strategy: Develop a comprehensive strategy to drive your marketing and sales efforts.

    Ongoing Marketing Services: Utilise various techniques such as networking, digital marketing, advertising, website strategy, and procurement, as well as executing effective marketing campaigns.

  • Coaching & Training

    Need a sounding board or more support? I can help with:

    Consultancy: I can work with you on an initial consultancy basis, providing expert guidance and strategic planning.

    Sales Training: Equip your team with the necessary skills and techniques to excel in sales.

    Coaching/mentoring: Working with business owners to help them achieve their goals

  • Public Sector Procurement

    Want to do more work with local government but don’t know where to start? I can help with:

    Planning/Strategy: Strategy and plan for successful public sector procurement.

    Tender Writing: Create compelling and competitive tender proposals.

    Presentations: Deliver impactful presentations to secure public sector contracts.